RD Skills School is a private coaching company in Newcastle, England. We offer a range of different services for all ages & abilities such as individual & specialised football training sessions, online football training programmes, football & multi-sports holiday camps. Our aim is to offer everyone the chance to experience a professional training environment which helps develop enthusiastic sports performers to progress in their journey of becoming better athletes & more well rounded individuals. From our five-year-old beginners, all the way through to our full-time professionals, we provide intense and challenging training sessions in the most fun and enjoyable learning environment to maximise their potential.
A message from head coach & founder, Ryan Drane
I founded RD Skills School in January 2017, and our values have remained the same since day one. Our belief is to influence every athlete & footballer that we work with, in a positive way that will help aid and accelerate their development. More importantly, we will show our support and constant encouragement to make those attending our sessions feel so important in order to improve their self-belief and self-confidence.
Growing up I loved football & I would always be playing a range of different sports, this is where I felt most comfortable. From my own experience I can relate to the players we coach a lot, as I have been in their exact position and there is simply no better feeling than having a coach who genuinely cares about your development and life, WE DO!”